Biography Takahashi, Rikio (1917 - 1999)
Takahashi Rikio is mostly referred to as Onchi Kōshirō's last, and most dedicated pupil. He studied with Onchi during the last six years of his life (1949-1955), when Onchi was working in a non-representational manner. To quote John Fiorillo: "He successfully explored in an abstracted manner various forms found in gardens and nature. He is especially adept at the subtle partial overlay of one or more colors to create varied opacities and textures as well as complexity of shapes." Takahashi had originally studied oil painting until he came into contact with Onchi. In 1952 he became a member of the Nihon Hanga Kyōkai, and he remained active until the end of his life. He is also sometimes referred to as the last true Sōsaku Hanga artist, since he self-carved and self-printed his woodblock prints in keeping with the ideals Onchi had set.
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See also prints from Onchi, Kōshirō (1891-1955)