Biography Katsuta, Shôkin 勝田 蕉琴 (1879 - 1963)
Born in Kawagoe in 1879, Katsuta Shôkin went to Tokyo, attended the Tokyo Bijutsu Gakko (the Tokyo School of Fine Arts), where he was taught by Hashimoto Gahô (1835-1908). After his graduation in 1905 he went to India, where he taught from 1906 to 1907, and where he also studied buddhist painting. He was an exhibitor with the first official Bunten in 1907. His work was shown at the Bunten six times, at the Teiten thirteen times, at the Shinbunten three times, and at the Nitten two times. He was also a judge at the Teiten, all of which underlines his importance as an artist at the time. See also Roberts, p. 71.
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